Here's an another project, which makes an Scrolling LED display. Here 64 leds which are connected to an Matrix display. The Anodes are drived through an Driver IC UDN2981 and the cathodes are drived through ULN2803. The Atmega8515 is used in this project to control the display. The microcontroller is programmed with Bascom AVR .
circuit diagram :-->
designing software :-->
You can also download an software which is used to give digital data for any design with 8x8matrix, please check the screen shots.
It gives 9 bytes of data, in which 8 bytes are the values of the columns.For example, look the below image. At column 1 the leds to be glown are the 2.3,4,5. So the equivalent value is 00111100 in binary. The last ninth byte is for a blank column. It is used to separate the 2 images on the display.
download :-->
Bascom AVR code
Matrix Designer Software
cool, just wondering this project, I'm so weak in coding issue :'(
how do you connect the 10k sip?
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