The PC application software was written using visual basic and the microcontroller coding was done through Bascom Basic. The project had the following features
- 2 Temperature sensor (1 Indoor & 1 Outdoor)
- High resolution temperature sensors are used (0.06deg)
- 1 Light sensor with help of LDR
- 1 PIR motion sensor
- 5 Devices can be controlled
- LCD & LED interface to display the status
circuit diagram :-->
Pc screen shoot :-->
download :-->
Microcontroller HEX code
VB source code
nice, but cannot download
can you please send download links?
can you please send download links?
hello, i have made this project, it is working nice, but i have a problem whit baud rate , the avr sends the data at expected 115200 baud rate but the Software on the PC works only whit 9600 baud rate, i had under clocked the avr to 368,640KHz when i have got the 9600 baud from the avr and the data on PC , but the avr was too slow to read data from temperature sensors at this clock rate, can you please change the baud rate in the VB code to 115200 and recompile it ? it is way behind my proframing skills. thank you for your time, and sorry for my bad english. best regards.
hi , i made this circuit and i have a big problem i cant commiunicate between computer and the avr . im using a hc05 bluetooth module which has default baud rate of 9600, but i dont get any responseq( there r no any temperature and light details in the vb applications) and switcher r not working.then i changed the baud rate of tge bascom programm to 9600, and recompiled it, but i still have the same problem. please help me
(1) tera terms software use
(2) 115200 baud rate
(3) usb-ttl module use tx,rx,gnd
(4) keyboard caps lock key on and press button A,C,E,G,I relay on and press the button B,D,F,H,J relay off and press K all relay on and L all relay off
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