The user can enter the temperature limit through the keypad.
The speed of the fan is adjusted by using the PWM.
circuit diagram -->
bascom code -:-->
$crystal = 1000000
Config Lcd = 16 * 2
Config Lcdpin = Pin , Rs = Pinb.0 , E = Pinb.1 , Db4 = Pinb.2 , Db5 = Pinb.3 , Db6 = Pinb.4 , Db7 = Pinb.5
'-------------------------------key board---------------------------------------
Config Kbd = Portc
'Use the following code to disable JTAG
Mcusr = &H80
Mcusr = &H80
Config Timer1 = Pwm , Pwm = 10 , Compare A Pwm = Clear Up , Compare B Pwm = Clear Down , Prescale = 1
Start Timer1
'a,b for keyboard, c for chek , d for pwm
Dim A As Word , B As Word , C As Word , D As Word , Tanzim As Byte , E As Byte
Dim Lop As Byte
Dim Dama As Byte , Lm35 As Word , Motor As Word
Config Adc = Single , Prescaler = Auto , Reference = Avcc
Start Adc
Config Pind.4 = Output
Config Pind.5 = Output
A = 0
B = 0
Cursor Off
Locate 1 , 5
Lcd "Hello"
Wait 2
Locate 1 , 1
Lcd "Intern number "
Locate 2 , 1
Lcd " "
Compare1a = 1
Compare1b = 1
A = Getkbd()
If A = 16 Then Goto Rool
A = A + 1
Select Case A :
Case 1 To 3:
Case 4:
Lcd "f1"
Goto Rool
Case 5 To 7 :
A = A - 1
Case 8:
Lcd "f2"
Goto Rool
Case 9 To 11:
A = A - 2
Case 12:
Lcd "f3"
Goto Rool
Case 13:
Lcd "start"
Wait 1
Goto Lm35
Case 14:
A = 0
Case 15:
B = 0
A = 0
Goto Main
Case 16:
Lcd "f4"
Goto Rool
End Select
B = B * 10
A = A + B
B = A
Locate 1 , 1
Lcd B ; " "
Locate 2 , 1
Lcd "push start set"
Lop = Getkbd()
If Lop <> 16 Then Goto Lop
Goto Rool
Lm35 = Getadc(0)
Waitms 10
Lm35 = Lm35 / 2
A = Getkbd()
A = A + 1
If A = 15 Then Goto Stops
Locate 1 , 1
Lcd "TEMPERATURE= " ; Lm35 ; "c "
If Lm35 =< B Then
Compare1a = 1
Compare1b = 1
Motor = 0
Locate 2 , 1
Lcd "Set=" ; B ; " pwm=" ; Motor ; " "
Goto Lm35
End If
If Lm35 > B Then
D = Lm35 - B
Gosub Motor1
End If
Goto Lm35
Motor = D * 100
Motor = Motor + 50
If Motor > 1022 Then
Motor = 1023
Locate 2 , 1
Lcd "Set=" ; B ; " pwm=fast "
End If
If Motor =< 1022 Then
Locate 2 , 1
Lcd "Set=" ; B ; " pwm=" ; Motor ; " "
End If
Compare1a = Motor
Compare1b = Motor
Download the code from here
Download the ckt diagram from here
1 comment:
excuse me..why i cant download ckt diagram and code??
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